Red Bulls return to New England for a redo from last performance

The New York Red Bulls are on midweek duty this week as they take another trip to the New England region as they return to the razor in Gillette Stadium, The last time they went up to Foxboro against the Revolution it was a tale of two different performances that had the good and the bad that led to one player and one player only.

Andres Reyes who took over Aaron Long’s spot in the Center back position due to a season-ending injury started his Red Bulls campaign with a fantastic goal to open the scoring as he headed in a corner from the near side and drove it home past Matt Turner. Even though the Red Bulls did concede a goal to allow an equalizer, it was the play of Reyes who turned the match upside down, as he earned two yellow cards within a matter of minutes that became red.

Then the mistakes were glaring as they could’ve been even at halftime, but sadly coughed up a second goal when Carlos Coronel peeled off the front post and gave Tajon Buchanan a free chance at goal. In this sense when you lose three goals to one against a side like the Revolution and the way it happened, you would think the Red Bulls should be looking for revenge, but in this sense, it looks like they want to show that they want to prove a point to themselves that game is not who they are.

“We have a very good feeling on Wednesday that we can pick up points, with a similar start like four weeks ago. I think we had things in hand inside the first 25 to 30 minutes, after that we didn’t do well.” said Gerhard Struber, “That’s when New England was very, very difficult. We were the better team with shots and chances and our organization a very good.

“I think we have to bring in a better performance from the first 25 to 30 minutes, over the whole game time, then I think it’s absolutely realistic to get a win throughout this whole game. I know we can do this, we have a lot of respect for New England, but we need to do better on the road to get a positive result.”

So far Tom Edwards has been a solid player since coming off the bench at the Philadelphia Union when he had to replace Amro Tarek due to injury, but the Englishman who was brought over on loan from Stoke has been fantastic so far and has done the job normally as a wingback, then a center back, in the last match against Nashville SC, he was positioned as a defensive midfielder and showed no signs of mistakes or missing a step on the defensive end. While there were those who thought him being taking out of the game was due to an injury, it was more for a tactic change by Struber. Yet it looks like Edwards is getting comfortable with his time here with the Red Bulls.

“We are a very tight group at the moment, par to a few injuries which is unfortunate, and several players are away due to being on international duty, the results have been coming in, and now we have a chance to get a solid result against New England when we get back up there.” said Edwards, ‘We= get up there to New England we will give the same performance like the last time”

For Sean Nealis and his short career right now, he’s had to handle a lot of changes on the backline. Of course, missing Aaron Long due to his season-ending injury is one of them, but injuries are a part of the game as of right now Andrew Gutman is on the mend and close to coming back from his injury to the backline. He’s had to handle the shuffling of different backline partners and you would think it would be very confusing for him, but he’s handled everything very well.

“It’s been a growing experience, of course, it’s a shame that Aaron got hurt, we’ve had a lot of guys step up in the past few weeks, but everyone needs to step up even further. it’s just been great to work in practice with some of the guys and some of the new guys who had just come in.” said Sean Nealis, “These guys have come in and they have stepped up, we are doing better and they have stepped up, I think it’s a work in progress, but we are getting better and tighter as a team. It’s going very well at the moment.”

So the Red Bulls are ready to had up to New England and face the red hot Revolution as they are currently in first place in the Eastern Conference table. The want to show that they can perform better, and not have the mistakes that were made in their last game against this side, after a strong opening first 25 minutes. They know this team under Bruce Arena will be coming at them hard, but at least they want to keep all eleven players on the pitch. Let’s see what will happen on Wednesday night.

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